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Nomination deadline for the 2026 Danto/ASA Prize
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 Export to Your Calendar 1/20/2025
When: 01/20/2025

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The Arthur Danto/American Society for Aesthetics Prize in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded to a member of the APA and the ASA for the best paper in the field of aesthetics, broadly understood, in a refereed journal, or an original book chapter or original essay published in a collection with a multiplicity of contributors. This prize is in honor of the late Arthur Danto, a past president of the APA Eastern Division.

For more information on the nomination process, please visit the Danto/ASA Prize page.

American Philosophical Association
University of Delaware
31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716
Phone: 302.831.1112 | Fax: 302.831.8690