Call for Submissions: Grad Student Chronicles, an APA blog series
edited by the Graduate Student Council
The Graduate Student Council (GSC) of the American Philosophical Association (APA) is calling for posts to publish as part of the Grad Student Chronicles blog series on the Blog of the APA. The purpose of this blog is to serve as space for graduate students to come together, to share, to listen, to reflect, to empathize, and to learn from one another. We also hope faculty and administrators will listen to the hopes, fears, and needs articulated in these posts, and act in ways to support the graduate student community.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
Lived Experiences of Graduate Student Life
● Graduate student labor issues
● Navigating financial/time pressures
● Planning, writing, and defending a thesis, prospectus, and/or dissertation
● Negotiating advisor/student communication and communication with one’s committee
● Coursework and research requirements
● Attending conferences and workshops and presenting online
● Job market preparation and challenges
● Parenting while attending graduate school
● Disability and access in graduate programs
● International student concerns
Pedagogy and Teaching
● Designing an accessible course for both teachers and students
● Grappling with teaching anxiety
● Being a Teaching Assistant
● Best practices for teaching philosophy courses
● Emotional labor and student support
● Diversity and Inclusiveness
● Learning how to use new technology to enhance classroom learning and discussionCreating Community, Self-Care, and Wellness
● Methods of building peer support networks
● Work/study/service/life balance
● Navigating work/life balance (when work must be done at home)
● Coping with precarity and vulnerability
● Motivation and focus while working remotely
Post submissions should be emailed to and prepared for blind review. In the body of the email please include the following contact information: your full name, institutional affiliation, and a brief biography (2-3 sentences). Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Shorter posts are strongly encouraged and posts should not exceed 2,000 words.