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Dominic McIver Lopes awarded the Quinn Prize in recognition of service

Thursday, December 13, 2018   (0 Comments)
Posted by: Linda Nuoffer

Dominic McIver LopesThe American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce that the board of officers has selected Dr. Dominic McIver Lopes (University of British Columbia) as the recipient of the 2018 Philip L. Quinn Prize, the APA’s highest honor for service to the profession.

The prize memorializes Philip L. Quinn, a former president of the APA Central Division and former chair of the APA board of officers. This prize, which includes a prize check of $2,500 and an engraved plaque, is given annually by the APA board of officers in recognition of service to philosophy and philosophers, broadly construed.

Lopes will receive the award at the Pacific Division meeting in April 2019 in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

To view Dr. Lopes’s full list of service to the profession, please visit the Quinn Prize page.

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