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Diversity and Inclusiveness Grant Program

Diversity and Inclusiveness Grant Program

The American Philosophical Association, in keeping with its mission and goals and the association’s longstanding commitment to addressing philosophy’s serious lack of demographic diversity, will make available up to $20,000 in fiscal year 2025 to fund one or two projects aiming to increase the presence and participation of women, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, people of low socioeconomic status, and other underrepresented groups at all levels of philosophy. The APA board of officers strongly prefers proposals that convincingly demonstrate their potential to decisively impact diversity and inclusion within philosophy.

As the APA operates primarily in the US and Canada, programs must have a clear application to diversity in a US/Canada context. The board wishes to express its particular interest in supporting programs that explicitly address more than one type of diversity (e.g., gender and race/ethnicity). The board will give preference to projects based at under-resourced institutions.

All APA members are invited to submit proposals.

The APA board anticipates funding one project at $20,000 or two projects at $10,000 each through this program in FY2025. The board of officers will review proposals and make funding decisions in November 2024. Proposed projects should commence no earlier than January 1, 2025. The APA will disburse grant funds by June 30, 2025.

Only APA members may submit a grant proposal.

To submit a diversity grant proposal, fill out the budget template and the diversity grant proposal submission form. You will upload the completed budget template within the submission form.

For further details, see the full request for proposals (PDF).

For questions, contact

Funding Timeline

  • Applications Due: June 30, 2024
  • Decision Notifications: December 2024
  • Grant Disbursements: January through June 2025
  • Completion of Funded Projects: By June 2026 unless otherwise specified in application
  • Grant Reports Due: September 30, 2025 and annually thereafter on September 30 until project is complete and final report is submitted

Grant Policies & Fiscal Agent Information

The following policies apply to all APA grants.

It is APA policy that a given project can only be submitted to one APA funding stream at a time.

Preference for Seed Funding

The APA has long preferred providing short-term funding to help new and innovative projects get off the ground rather than long-term, repeat, or sustaining funding for established projects. Further, the APA does not have the financial resources to provide long-term or indefinite funding, no matter how valuable the program. As such, it is the policy of the board of officers that, in reviewing funding requests, there will be a strong preference for funding pilot projects rather than established ones. Further, no project will be funded for longer than three years at a time.

Reporting Requirement

Any project or program funded by the APA must submit an annual report to the board of officers for each year in which it received funding. This report must detail what the APA’s funds supported and evaluate the program’s progress toward its goals in the preceding year. This evaluation should be based on the evaluation plan detailed in the original proposal.

No proposals will be considered for future funding unless these required evaluation reports have been received. Further, no funding proposals will be considered from any member whose past funded proposals have not submitted the required reports.

Please note that all grant reports will be made public.

Grant Publicity

All programs receiving funding from the APA must include recognition of that funding in publicity materials for that program. For more information see the APA's Grant Publicity Guidelines.

Administrative Cost Policy

The American Philosophical Association is not a federal agency. Accordingly, no grants awarded by the American Philosophical Association shall be subject to facilities and administrative costs. See the full administrative cost policy.

Fiscal Agent

The fiscal agent is the institution/organization that will receive the funds on behalf of the grantee.

Please note that if the APA pays grant funds to an individual, the grant will be reported as personal income and the individual will be responsible for paying appropriate taxes on the grant funds.

For questions, contact

American Philosophical Association
University of Delaware
31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716
Phone: 302.831.1112 | Fax: 302.831.8690