The APA maintains several funds to which donors may contribute. These funds each focus on a particular issue area and fund projects or initiatives directly related to that focus.
Before submitting an application for funding, please review the Funding Guidelines for Donor Funds at the bottom of this page.
Fund for Diversity and Inclusiveness
The fund for diversity and inclusiveness, established in 2013, supports efforts to make philosophy as a field more diverse and inclusive from the major to the professoriate. Funds go to projects that will have a demonstrable impact on the representation
of and climate for women, people of color, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups in philosophy, with special focus on seeding new and innovative projects.
Donate to the fund for diversity and inclusiveness.
APA members may request a grant from this fund. At this time, the maximum grant amount from the fund for diversity and inclusiveness is $1,000, and funding decisions are normally made within two weeks of application, with funds being available for disbursement
immediately thereafter.
Fill out the request for funding form.
Berry Fund for Public Philosophy
The Berry fund supports the work of the APA committee on public philosophy, whose goal is to find and create opportunities to demonstrate the personal value and social usefulness of philosophy.
Donate to the Berry fund.
APA members may request a grant from this fund. Grants from the Berry fund are determined by the committee on public philosophy. The committee reviews grant requests for the Berry fund semiannually.
The grant request deadlines are October 30 and April 30. Funding decisions are normally made within three weeks after each deadline, with funds being available for disbursement immediately thereafter.
Fill out the request for funding form.
Teaching Fund
The teaching fund provides support for the APA-AAPT Teaching Hubs as well as for other philosophy teaching initiatives and programs.
Donate to the teaching fund.
APA members may request a grant from this fund. At this time, the maximum grant amount for the teaching fund is $1,000, and funding decisions are normally made within two weeks of application, with funds being available for disbursement immediately thereafter.
Fill out the request for funding form.
Fund for Assistance to Overseas Philosophers
The fund for assistance to overseas philosophers, established in 1987, provides support to philosophers residing in countries in which currency restrictions or other economic conditions present severe difficulties to membership in overseas professional
organizations or participation in overseas scholarly meetings.
Eligibility for this fund is limited to those residing in countries participating in Oxford University Press's Developing Countries Initiative.
Donate to the fund for assistance to overseas philosophers.
Two kinds of support will be considered: complimentary or discounted membership, and limited travel assistance for philosophers participating in the program of an APA divisional meeting. Travel support is normally limited to a maximum of $500 per person.
Philosophers residing in the US and Canada are ineligible for support from this fund. Funding decisions are made by the executive director together with the committee on international cooperation.
Requests for support via this fund should be submitted by the potential member to Executive Director Amy Ferrer. Requests should include a brief statement summarizing the economic restrictions or conditions
creating difficulties for the applicant.
Funding Guidelines for Donor Funds
- The APA strongly favors project proposals that request seed money for new projects rather than continuing funding for established projects. Requests for funding of ongoing projects should demonstrate the potential to obtain continuing support from
other sources.
- The APA favors projects that serve as a model for other institutions, and for which the grant recipient is willing to provide information about the project for others.
- The APA prefers to fund projects that have already secured local support.
- The APA will not ordinarily fund lectures or lecture series at a single university or college unless the request convincingly demonstrates that the lectures will have a broader impact beyond their host institution.
- With the exception of the fund for assistance to overseas philosophers, the APA’s donor funds are not normally used to provide travel stipends to conference presenters/participants, but can be used to cover other conference costs.
- The APA’s donor funds are not normally used to pay a stipend to a grantee (e.g., funding to complete a dissertation or other research project, a stipend/honorarium in recognition of work performed to organize an event/conference).
Fiscal Agent Information
The fiscal agent is the institution/organization that will receive the funds on behalf of the grantee.
Please note that if the APA pays grant funds to an individual, the grant will be reported as personal income and the individual will be responsible for paying appropriate taxes on the grant funds.
For questions, contact