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APA Report on the Prevalence of Independent Philosophy Departments

Report Cover PageThis APA Report on the Prevalence of Independent Philosophy Departments provides a snapshot of the number of philosophy departments across the United States that are independent (that is, they are single-discipline departments) and blended (where philosophy courses are offered within a department that serves multiple disciplines). The report was prepared in summer 2022 by APA intern Jaehyun Hong with guidance from APA Executive Director Amy Ferrer.

The report is based on a list of departments offering philosophy courses across the US provided by the Philosophy Documentation Center (PDC) in fall 2021. Using that list and additional research, the report offers data on the prevalence of independent and blended departments by institution type (using the Carnegie Classification system) as well as by state and region.

This report aims to give members of the profession a clearer picture of the landscape of philosophy departments in academic institutions across the United States. 

The full PDF is available for download.

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