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Journal of Value Inquiry Prize
The Journal of Value Inquiry     The Journal of Value Inquiry Prize (formerly the Rockefeller Prize) is awarded for the best unpublished, article-length work in philosophy by a non-academically affiliated philosopher. The winner's work may be published in the Journal of Value Inquiry by mutual agreement of the author and the editors of the journal.


Award Amount: $1,000

Frequency: Every other year in even years

Next award: 2026

Next deadline: March 5, 2026

Co-authors of a winning submission, or authors of winning submissions judged to be equal in merit, will share equally in the prize. The prize will be announced in the Proceedings and Addresses, and it is expected (but not required) that the winning submission will be published in the Journal of Value Inquiry. The award check is presented at the annual prize reception at an APA divisional meeting.

Eligibility and Criteria

The APA invites members who have no permanent academic affiliation to participate in this competition for the best unpublished, article-length work in philosophy. To qualify, one may in fact be teaching at a university in a part-time or a full-time temporary position as long as one also meets the following requirements:

  • Authors must not hold a full-time position at an institution of higher education that continues beyond the end of the current academic year, nor may they have held such a position within the last three years.
  • The author must hold a PhD in philosophy or its equivalent at the time of submission.
  • The author must be a current member of the APA.

Current students and professors emeriti are not eligible. Previous winners of this prize are not eligible.

Submission Procedures

Submissions must be unpublished at the time of submission,* with all references that would identify the author removed. Reviewing will be anonymous. Submissions must be no more than 40 pages in length (including notes).

*The manuscript may be under review at a journal, or may be sent out for review after submission.

For questions, contact

Only members may submit for this prize; please sign in to access the submission form.

Fill out the submission form.

Selection Process

A committee appointed by the APA selects the winning entry. Reviewing is anonymous.



Gilbert Plumer, “When Paintings Argue


Robert Bass, “Divine Command Theory without a Divine Commander


Matthew Bennett, “Demoralising Trust


Federica Berdini, “Agency's Constitutive Normativity: An Elucidation


Alberto Urquidez, "What Accounts of ‘Racism’ Do"

Honorable Mention: Anthony Manela, "The Nature and Value of Imperfect Rights"


William Lane, "Consciousness and Universal Axiology"

Awardees of the Rockefeller Prize


Greg Damico, "Sameness in Being Is Sameness in Species Or: Was an Aristotelian Philosophy of Identity Ever Credible?"

Vaughn Baltzly, "Four Strikes for Pluralist Liberalism (And Two Cheers for Classical Liberalism)"


David Schwarz, "Using Ordinary Proper Names"

Honorable Mention: H.G. Callaway, "Semantic Contextualism and Scientific Pluralism"


Kristoffer Ahlstrom, "What Descartes Didn't Know"


Glen Hoffmann, "Truth, Superassertability, and Conceivability"


Jessica Wiskus, Depth-Light-Being: Mythical Time and the Musical Idea through Merleau- Ponty


Brian Ribeiro, Skeptical Parasitism and the Continuity Argument


Matthew McCormick, Another Look at Kant's Subjective Deduction

A. Minh Nguyen, Davidson on First-Person Authority


No award given


Roger Wertheimer, Quotational Synonymy


Vernon Sarver Jr., Kant's 'Social Contract' and the Death Penalty


John Pepple, A Lost Fragment of Empedocles


Arnold Chien, The Concept of Speaker's Meaning


Ronald Hoeflin, Theories of Truth: A Comprehensive Synthesis


Richard Brockhaus, Realism and Psychologism in 19th Century Logic


Quentin Smith, "Problems with the New Tenseless Theory of Time"


Peter M. Brown, "Tarski, Truth and Realism"

W. J. Talbot, "Benefit Spreading Agreements and Justice"


James McCall, "Kant's Later Physics and Shroedinger's Wave Mechanics: Towards an Ontology of Inorganic Nature"

Quentin Smith, "The Infinite Regress of Temporal Attributions"

American Philosophical Association
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