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Membership Information
APA members talk around a table at an APA meeting reception

Joining the APA connects you with thousands of philosophers in North America and across the world and entitles you to many member benefits.

Become a member today!

There are four membership options:

Join online now!

Although joining online is the easiest and fastest way to become an APA member, you may also download a membership enrollment form to submit by mail or fax. 

Please note that all new APA membership enrollment forms are reviewed and approved by our membership coordinator. As such, there may be some delay between completing an online membership enrollment form and acceptance. Any missing information, such as member type selection, lack of dues payment, or missing personal or professional information may also delay your membership enrollment approval.

Please also note that the processing time for an ACH/E-Check payment is 5–7 business days.

gift membership icon Looking for a great gift for a philosopher in your life? Give the gift of APA membership!
bulk membership icon Want to purchase memberships for your entire department? Get a discount with our bulk membership program.
DSP logo The Departmental Services Program (DSP) provides exclusive services and benefits for philosophy departments and philosophy-related organizations. Join today!

Regular Membership

Regular membership is for those with a professional interest in the academic discipline of philosophy. Regular members affiliate with one of the APA's three divisions—EasternCentral, or  Pacific—and have voting rights in APA elections.

Graduate students (doctoral or master’s) are eligible for regular membership at a reduced dues rate of $40 per year. To receive this rate, graduate students must be actively enrolled at an accredited college or university to study philosophy or cognate fields. The reduced graduate student dues rate is not available to anyone who holds a doctoral degree in philosophy or a cognate field, regardless of student status.


Regular membership dues are set on a sliding scale by total individual annual income. In contrast to the dues scales of many other associations, the APA's is not regressive—dues for income-based categories are set at 0.25% of the 1st quartile of the income band.

See the APA dues scale.

Emeritus Status

Regular members who have been APA members in good standing for at least 20 consecutive or 25 non-consecutive years and are no longer working full-time may elect to assume emeritus status. Emeritus members do not owe dues but are encouraged to continue supporting the APA through financial contributions. Submit an emeritus status request. You may also make an emeritus status request by calling the APA administrative office at (302) 831-1112.

Division Changes

If you would like to change your divisional affiliation, please submit a division change request.

Associate Membership

K-12 Teacher

Teacher membership shall be open and limited to persons employed or seeking employment as teachers in primary or secondary schools, who teach or are preparing to teach philosophy in a primary or secondary school, provided they do not also teach philosophy at the college or university level.

Teacher members can also opt for joint membership of the APA and PLATO (Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization). Launched by the APA's committee on pre-college instruction in philosophy, PLATO is a national support and resource-sharing organization for teachers, parents, philosophers, and others involved in teaching philosophy to pre-college students.

Teacher members are not affiliated with a division and thus do not have voting privileges.


APA membership only: $50 per year
Bundled APA/PLATO membership: $105 per year

Undergraduate/Secondary Student

For undergraduate and high school students.


$30 per year


For academics with primary appointments in other fields, philosophy degree holders working outside academia, and all others who wish to become APA members.


$100 per year 

Associate Membership Eligibility Verification

Prospective associate members may be required, at the sole discretion of the executive director, to provide documentation of eligibility (e.g., proof of student status, a letter on employer’s official letterhead stating title and position) in order to obtain associate membership.


Membership dues are on a sliding fee scale to make membership as accessible as possible to as many people as possible, with dues deeply discounted for the most vulnerable in our community. However, we understand that in some circumstances, even these dues may be a hardship. If you wish to join or renew your membership but are facing financial hardship, contact the APA membership coordinator at Special consideration is given to those who are unemployed, contingent faculty, those in the lowest income categories, and those for whom dues are an obstacle to serving in APA leadership.

Non-Member Email Subscriber

Those who are interested in receiving communications from the American Philosophical Association without becoming APA members can sign up as Non-Member Email Subscribers.

Non-Member Email Subscribers will receive periodic emails regarding upcoming APA events, initiatives, and announcements.

Non-Member Email Subscribers do not have any member privileges such as voting rights, meeting registration discounts, or access to members-only content.

There are no dues associated with becoming a Non-Member Email Subscriber.

Join online now or download a membership enrollment form to submit by mail or fax!

American Philosophical Association
University of Delaware
31 Amstel Avenue, Newark, DE 19716
Phone: 302.831.1112 | Fax: 302.831.8690