The APA has historically published memorial notices for deceased members of the association biannually in the general issues of the Proceedings and Addresses. Beginning with the 2013–2014 membership year, the Proceedings and Addresses ceased to exist in its previous print format, transitioning to a single annual print volume rather than five issues per year. Much of the content that previously appeared in print is now published online only. We will continue to publish the memorial minutes in the annual print volume, and we will also publish them online, where they may be accessed by APA members and web
content subscribers.
Table of Contents
Note: Memorial notices are listed according to the year of death.
See below for instructions on submitting memorial minutes.
- Nuel D. Belnap, Jr., 1930–2024
- Joseph M. Betz, 1940–2024
- Robert F. Brown, 1941–2024
- Chung-ying Cheng, 1935–2024
- Daniel C. Dennett, 1942–2024
- Mary Johanna Meehan, 1956–2024
- Ernst Wolfgang Orth, 1936–2024
- Marjorie Spear Price, 1947–2024
- Mark Allen Rigstad, 1965–2024
- Henry L. Ruf, 1932–2024
- Michael Ruse, 1940–2024
- Frederick Schauer, 1946–2024
- Jerome Borges Schneewind, 1930–2024
- Howard Stein, 1929–2024
- Robert Stern, 1962–2024
- William W. Tait, 1929–2024
- George M. Wilson, 1942–2024
- John Woods, 1937–2024
- Charles M. Young, 1945–2024
- Anatole B. Anton, 1939–2023
- Albert Borgmann, 1937–2023
- Brian Farrell Chellas, 1941–2023
- Justin Donhauser, 1981–2023
- James F. Drane, 1930–2023
- Lawrence Foster, 1939–2023
- Harry Frankfurt, 1929–2023
- Wayne Froman, 1945–2023
- Richard J. Gaffney, 1934–2023
- Stephen Gaukroger, 1950–2023
- Catherine Hundleby, 1966–2023
- André Kukla, 1942–2023
- John Lachs, 1934–2023
- John Malcolm, 1931–2023
- J. N. Mohanty, 1928–2023
- Stephen Nathanson, 1944–2023
- Abdollah (Omid) Payrow Shabani, 1962–2023
- Anne Fairchild Pomeroy, 1958–2023
- Mark Rollins, 1947–2023
- William Talbott, 1949–2023
- Peter J. Caws, 1931–2020
- George T. Dickie, 1926–2020
- James Creighton Edwards, 1943–2020
- Nicholas G. Fotion, 1927–2020
- Richard Thomas Garner, 1936–2020
- Gerald Gaus, 1952–2020
- Nancy Holland, 1947–2020
- Marvin Kohl, 1932–2020
- Joel J. Kupperman, 1936–2020
- Eugene “Gene” Long, 1935–2020
- Charles McCracken, 1933–2020
- Harold Morick, 1933–2020
- John G. Troyer, 1943–2020
- Andrea Tschemplik, 1961–2020
- Karen Joyce Warren, 1947–2020
- Rudolph H. Weingartner, 1927–2020
- Michael Robert Baumer, 1945–2019
- John Bender, 1951–2019
- Vere Chappell, 1930–2019
- John Churchill, 1949–2019
- Gertrude Ezorsky, 1926–2019
- Jaegwon Kim, 1934–2019
- Stephanie Robinson Lewis, 1944–2019
- Andrew Naylor, 1940–2019
- Anita Silvers, 1940–2019
- Elmer Sprague, 1924–2019
- Barry Stroud, 1935–2019
- Kenneth A. Taylor, 1954–2019
- Justin Michael Zylstra, 1987–2019
- Raziel Abelson, 1921–2017
- Victoria Michele Davion, 1960–2017
- Delia Graff Fara, 1969–2017
- Eugene Gendlin, 1926–2017
- Dorothy L. Grover, 1936–2017
- Timothy Hall, 1969–2017
- Kaikhosrov Irani, 1922–2017
- Murray Kiteley, 1929–2017
- Peter Kivy, 1934–2017
- Tom Regan, 1938–2017
- Richard Tieszen, 1951–2017
- Jon Altschul, 1981–2016
- Robert J. Baum, 1941–2016
- Joseph M. Boyle, 1942–2016
- Donald G. Brown, 1927–2016
- Robert Fogelin, 1932–2016
- Dale Jacquette, 1953–2016
- Haig Khatchadourian, 1925–2016
- Helen Lang, 1947–2016
- Thomas Anthony Losoncy, 1939–2016
- Daniel D. Merrill, 1932–2016
- Myra Moss, 1937–2016
- Clifton J. Orlebeke, 1926–2016
- Daniel T. Regan, 1936–2016
- Patrick Scanlan, 1927–2016
- Jerome Arthur Shaffer, 1929–2016
- Liu Shu-hsien, 1934–2016
- Malcolm Barry Smith, 1939–2016
- William D. Stine, 1936–2016
- James Stramel, 1960–2016
- Joseph Norio Uemura, 1926–2016
- Vivian Weil, 1929–2016
- Jiyuan Yu, 1964–2016
- Joseph Jay Zeman, 1934–2016
- Robert L. Arrington, 1938–2015
- Andrew Askland, 1951–2015
- Garry M. Brodsky, 1932–2015
- Claudia Falconer Card, 1940–2015
- Leigh Steinhardt Cauman, 1917–2015
- Roger F. Gibson, 1944–2015
- Robinson Allen Grover, 1936–2015
- Patrick Aidan Heelan, 1926–2015
- Jaakko Hintikka, 1929
- Michael Lou Martin, 1932–2015
- William L. Rowe, 1931–2015
- Abner E. Shimony, 1928–2015
- Irving Singer, 1925–2015
- Peter Spader, 1938–2015
- Leslie Armour, 1931–2014
- Lee B. Brown, 1932–2014
- Leonard S. Carrier, 1934–2014
- John J. Compton, 1928–2014
- Anne Donchin, 1930–2014
- Rolf A. Eberle, 1931–2014
- Joseph C. Flay, 1932–2014
- Newton Garver, 1928–2014
- James A. Gould, 1922–2014
- Ellen S. Haring, 1921–2014
- Richard P. Haynes, 1931–2014
- George L. Kline, 1921–2014
- David Shepherd Nivison, 1923–2014
- David Fate Norton, 1937–2014
- Katrina Przyjemski, 1982–2014
- Rolf Sartorius, 1939–2014
- Israel Scheffler, 1923–2014
- Fred Sommers, 1923–2014
- Patrick Suppes, 1922–2014
- James Edward Tiles, 1944–2014
- Forrest Williams, 1924–2014
- Neil Scott Arnold, 1952–2013
- David Braybrooke, 1924–2013
- Joseph L. Camp, Jr., 1942–2013
- Arthur Danto, 1924–2013
- Fred Dretske, 1932–2013
- Keith Gunderson, 1935–2013
- William Herron McGowan, 1931–2013
- James Sasso, Jr., 1941–2013
- George N. Schlesinger, 1925–2013
- Avrum Stroll, 1921–2013
- Paul C. L. Tang, 1944–2013
- Burnham Terrell, 1923–2013
- William Asbury Wisdom, 1935–2013
Notices for inclusion in the memorial minutes section on the APA website and in the annual issue of the Proceedings and Addresses should be no more than 1,000 words and should include the years of birth and death.
Authors’ names and affiliations should also be listed. Alternatively, if a memorial notice was written as a group effort on behalf of a department, it should be specified that the notice is being submitted on behalf of the department; individual authors’
names should not be listed.
Accompanying photographs are welcome. Images submitted with Memorial Minutes should be high resolution (300 dpi or better) and may be in grayscale or color. A professional headshot or portrait is best. We will gladly accept images of any resolution or
quality, but we reserve the right not to publish submitted images at our sole discretion.
The following statement of permission must be included with all photographs submitted with memorial notices:
I hereby grant the American Philosophical Association permission to use and reproduce the attached image(s), in conjunction with the Memorial Minute and any other memorial notices for [name of deceased] published on the association’s website and in
the Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, without any further payment, recognition, or consideration. I specifically consent to any alterations to the image that the association
deems necessary to render it suitable for publication. I certify that I hold the copyright to the attached image or am otherwise authorized to grant the above permissions. I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related
to the use of the image(s).
All submitted work must be original. Due to copyright licensing, we are unable to publish notices or announcements that have previously appeared elsewhere.
Memorial notices may be sent via email to Erin Shepherd at The annual issue of the Proceedings and Addresses will
be published in the late fall. Memorial notices are posted online on a monthly basis.